Monday, September 5, 2011

Assignment: the essay presentation--DRAFT

Assignment for Essay Presentation (Please note: This assignment is made in advance; you are expected to be in class to cover the essential aspects of the assigned essay AND lead the class in discussion. You WILL receive a zero if you are absent, unless you contact me IN ADVANCE with a valid reason. Keep in mind that lack of planning on YOUR part does not constitute an emergency on MY part.
  1. Identify Author & Title  - Who IS the author? What was the motivation for the essay?What relevance is there between the title and the essay?
  2. Audience: Who was the initial audience for this essay? From the topic, tone, and word choice used by the author, what can you deduce about his or her audience? For instance, what do you imagine was the educational level of the audience? Why? How might this have affected the author?
  3. Purpose- WHY was this essay written? How did that influence the writing? (Example: if the essay is written for a contest or newspaper, the purpose & audience will differ.) 
  4. Content - What is the author SAYING? What means is used to develop the essay? Are there illustrations, examples, details? How are they arranged--from least important to most important or vice versa? Do details lead up to a major conclusion or does a broad statement lead into detailed support?
  5. Main Idea - An essay is more than a collection of details and examples--they mean nothing if there is no point to the collection.  What's the author's trying to get at? What's the main idea he's trying to support?
  6. TWO Points - What  are at least two point you agreed with or liked OR that you disagreed with or disliked--and WHY?  There is NO penalty for disliking a piece of writing or for disagreeing with an author, BUT there IS penalty if you can't explain WHY.
  7. Vocabulary - At the very least, reading builds comprehension and vocabulary. What new vocabulary stands out in each essay.  In what sentence does the word appear?

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